Let’s Talk Social Value - Season 1 Episode 2

Let’s Talk Social Value Podcast with Zahra Hedges CEO at Winning Scotland

Zahra Hedges, CEO, Winning Scotland

This episode is packed with ideas and sound advice to create social value with charities and local communities. 

Zahra shares with us the importance of volunteering and the confidence it brings to her team and their personal development. The difference between team building days and volunteering; is understanding what organisations need and how you can have influence beyond planting a garden or painting a room. 

Zahra explains what she means by a ‘winning culture’ and how this impacts and helps young people in Scotland.

She also shares advice to prepare for tender responses - don't leave it to the last minute! 

Build and nurture relationships with charities in your communities. Move beyond social value for the sake of tenders. It is about understanding what the charities need first. Then when you come to write a social value response, you are already doing great stuff that has a real impact for you to draw upon. 

How we can help

At Samtaler, we understand the importance of your social value commitment. You’re here because you care about the impact your business has on society and want to be better. We want you to succeed, and we know from experience that achieving social value requires skill, strategy, and support.

To find out how we can help send an email to hello@samtaler.co.uk

Sign up to The Social Value Files for inspiration and practical ideas to create social value for your business.

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Let’s Talk Social Value - Season 1 Episode 3


Let’s Talk Social Value - Season 1 Episode 1